Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Star Tattoo On Lower Belly

63rd The own rhythm

Yesterday I lived on my income, that means I'm running with my wet shoes
too fast and I caught some unpleasant promptly
blisters on my toes. This is not further
bad, but it takes a off track. You can tell then that something
no longer in balance, you lose your balance, the inner
balance because you have not complied with its own rhythm.
The inner rhythm is very subtle. Only when one has lost it
, we realize how important it is. Today the weather was surprisingly
temporarily better and I tried the
restore inner balance. At times I managed this
and now and then I thought: "It is now more then enough time that I arrived in Santiago
. In at least six days it is so far
. How do I am! At a hotel, the Parador on the Longterm
and to all my friends at home, on my wife Zita, our three children and
my little granddaughter Sophie, who know me will probably not
the way, prove my old-fashioned plaster Scholl
much better than the super modern Compeedpflaster, which I bought in France


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