Monday, February 7, 2011

Troubleshooting Brother Printer Offline

Again on prayer

Here is an excerpt from an article by Hazo.

Many words in prayer can sometimes be an expression of little faith. People talk a mile long around it, rather than precise to get to the point.

This does not mean that our prayers are always short. There is more to discover in prayer as intercession.

Jesus says in Matthew 6, 7: "And when you pray, ye shall not babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard for their many . Words will "" be rather short and precise, "says Jesus," for an endless torrent of words is something for the heathen. "

But first, Jesus says:" But when you pray, go into your room and closing of your door, pray to thy Father in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret will reward you publicly "(verse 6)

Prayer has two phases

The first is that in the. you go to the Father. For this you need time. That takes time. Since you have to have fellowship with him. Since you have to search his heart, more and more to grow with him.

And then, the phase two, you get out, and the father is behind you, and then you give the short, precise instructions - and then what.

So it also made Jesus. We see that when he came into the situation with the demonized boy inside, the disciples did not help. He will conduct a short diagnostic interview with the father, the demon begins to rage and Jesus says: "Stop! Peace! Out of the boys and never in! "
The Demon is reluctant even as a player who has just seen the red card, but then he goes and the child is fit and healthy.

All had a history. The night before Jesus was spent on a mountain. On this mountain he prayed, spent time with his father in heaven. What happened that night on the mountain shows how Jesus prayed when he had long fellowship with the Father.

He has no prayer list has dragged up the mountain to durchzubeten point by point to make many words about it ...

Instead, he has extensively recorded the Holy Spirit to fill in the glory of God be with all the necessary strength and joy. Jesus understood it so masterfully, to seek the proximity of the father that his face began to shine and his clothes were white.

This may be the result if one takes the glory of God.
Jesus received the word of the Father, in this case, the father of Moses and Elijah sent his word. We even Moses and Elijah have in our Bible, and much beyond. Jesus has often done to bring the instruction of the father in writing and received. So you can get to know the will of the Father.
The third, his father said from the cloud. "This is my beloved Son," Jesus has come up with new love of his father, the award can be new, that he is the love Son of the Father was. That has done him good. The father also said, "You 'll hear her," which he has once again confirmed the authority. He confirmed: "You are in my name on the earth, and I stand to listen to you and the people up. Anyone who opposes you is, is against me. "

This is what Jesus did in the time of prayer and welcome. Prayer is so beautiful, if you will pray. This is not boring, dry, as you look not at the clock, whether the hours will probably soon be over.

When God's word to assimilate, discovered what he thought everything had good things to us if one stays in his glory and it takes up into itself when you receive that loving father who has an authority that he has given.

Then you can go down into the valley like Jesus and be filled with awareness of the authority that one simply orders: 'Stop here, you demon. Get out of the boy. "

The disciples were so later and asked why it had not worked with them. They did so, that the authority was already given to them earlier. Jesus had given them: authority over all demons.
Jesus tells them that she was aware of the authority in the situation is not strong enough. The preparation was inadequate. "This kind goeth only by prayer."
He said no, that would have the disciples to pray for hours with the boys. He said that they lacked the hours of fellowship with the Father. You should have be confirmed with the new authority can love each other, can be met. If they did as Jesus spent the night in the presence of God, for this authority it would have been equally available.


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