Friday, January 21, 2011

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The world

Again Watchman Nee.

also our hope in the Lord's power has only ever result in our failure

Some now insist that Scripture has told us: "All I can do to him who strengthens me" (Phil. 4:13). They confess frankly: "I myself have no power," and then they declare: "But I ask the Lord that he gives me strength and makes me powerful. So many things I need to do, so many commands of Scripture, I must hold, and in all, I should follow the example of the Lord.

But I lack the strength. What should I do? I will pray the Lord that

he strengthens me, because if he gives me his power, then I can do everything. "So many people ask and hope day Day after day,

the Lord may yet make powerful, so that they can accomplish all this.

It is not wrong to insist that the Lord gives us his strength, but we need something else. If we lack this basis, we will not have power, even if we do not expect so much from the Lord.

We can come daily, asking for strength from the Lord, but he will not always listen. While some but often he does not.

It is true that we are capable of anything if our Lord is the strength, on the other hand, we feel unable to cope with even the smallest thing, if he does not give us.

This is the reason why we fail again and again. Although we are to ask for strength to

but if we see this as an independent, consider bid torn out of context and as a method, we are forced to watch

that nothing comes of it.

Even if we get the power, we still need a supply of another kind, that is, the Lord must first give us something else.

Only then will we be capable of everything. If you ask only for strength, you'll find that you often get just no power and then can not do anything.

I believe that every new convert these two things should be very clear in mind: He must see that it is useless if we merely imitate, and it as little use if we depend only on the strength of the Lord.

When we, the condition that we receive from it power when required, we will achieve nothing and his life can not express.

We older brothers can attest. All those who try repeatedly to imitate the Lord will fail again and again.

And it does not help those who ask him daily at his strength, because if they find that power not once, even they fail promptly.


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