Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Much Calories In Stir Fry

the cross

Still Watchman Nee,

Do you believe in the death of Christ? Of course! The same Holy Bible but who assures us that he died for us confirms that we, too, that we died with him. As it is written? , that Christ died for us ... " (Romans 5:8). This is the first statement. It is clear, is not it? If the second statement is now less clear? , that our old self was crucified with him ... " (Romans 6:6). , if we be dead with Christ ... " (Romans 6:8).

When we were crucified with him? When was the crucifixion instead of our old people? Tomorrow? Yesterday? Today? To answer this question it might help if I turn the statement of Paul once and say: "Christ was, together with our old man (d. h. At the same time) crucified. " Some of you have come together. You might say now: "I came with my friend here," but it would be equally true to say: "My friend came with me here." Had arrived one of you is already three days ago and the other today, you would not have said.

But since you you came along, you may rightly say both, because both statements are true. With regard to the historical fact now we can truly awe, the same statement: "When Christ was crucified, I was crucified" or: "When I was crucified, Christ was crucified ", because these two facts related to a single historic event. My crucifixion took place together, with him. " Christ was crucified? Can it be then that I was not crucified? And when he was crucified nearly two thousand years ago and I with him, I can say that my crucifixion take place until tomorrow? Can his crucifixion already be in the past, while my only happens now or in the future? The Lord be praised that I at his death on the cross with him died! He not only died in my place, but he took me there with up to the cross, so that I died alongside them. If I go to the death of the Lord Jesus can do, as I certainly believe in my own death.

Why do you believe that the Lord Jesus died? On what is your faith? Is it your feeling that tells you that he died for you? No, you've never felt this. You think because the word of God testifies this fact. When the Lord Jesus died, two thieves were crucified at the same time with him. You doubt any more not at the crucifixion of the two thieves, as the Scripture clearly testifies.

you think that is the death of the Lord Jesus and the death of the two thieves. Do you think also of your own death? your crucifixion is in a much closer relationship to that of the Lord as the crucifixion of the thieves. Although they were crucified at the same time as the Lord Jesus, but each other on a cross. Your other hand wurdet crucified on the same cross with him because you were trapped in it when he died. How do you know this? You know this for one reason, because God has said - and this is enough. It does not depend on your feelings. If you feel that Christ died, He died, and if you the first step: know the facts The first step: know the facts feel is missing, that he died, he is still dead. Whether you are feeling that you are dead or not - you are still dead, no doubt. These are simply divine facts.

Christ's death is a fact of death of the two thieves is a fact, and your death is just a fact. Let me assure you: you are dead! You're done! You're eliminated! The self that you hate so much is already on the cross with Christ. And , who is dead is justified from sin " (Romans 6:7). This is the Gospel for Christians.

We can never by our crucifixion our own will or effort effect, but only in that we accept the work of the Lord Jesus on the cross. Our eyes must be open to the work accomplished at Calvary. Some of you may have tried before perhaps their salvation, save yourself. Your last in the Bible, prayed, were walking to church and gabT charity. One day, however, have opened your eyes and erkanntet that the work of redemption had already been accomplished on the cross for you. You took this fact, danktet God, and your heart filled with peace and joy. Now the good news to you that the sanctification in exactly the same basis as the rescue at the beginning of your Christian life possible. You are given the freedom from sin as well as the forgiveness of sins as a gift of God.

God's approach to the exemption is quite different from that of humans. People try to overcome sin, by suppressing them. But God removed the sinner. Many Christians are saddened that they are so weak and they think everything would be fine if only they were stronger. The view that our inability to live a holy life was due to our weakness and we should therefore pay more, naturally leads us to this false idea about the way of liberation. We deal only with the power of sin and our inability to overcome them, then our logical conclusion that we need more strength to triumph over sin.

"If only I were stronger," we mean, I could probably overcome my temper tantrums, and we implore the Lord to strengthen us so that we can control us better.

However, this is a great fallacy that has to do with the Christian faith, nothing. God's way to free us from sin, is not always stronger, but weaker to make. Is not this an unusual way to victory? Yes, but it is the divine way. God frees us from the dominion of sin, not by strengthening our old people, but by not crucify him, by helping him, but by letting him disappear from the scene.

You may have spent years trying unsuccessfully to learn self-control, and perhaps you are still dealing with it. If you once have known the truth, you realize that you yourselves are actually incapable of to do something that has already done everything but God, by you removed. Such knowledge makes all the human struggles and troubles to an end.


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