As of today, shortly after 23 clock, the first Germany-wide NYX Online Store is gone at the start. seems
So NYX now claim to own legs in Germany want to after the successful cooperation with Douglas through to-military share the beauty community Germany failed miserably. That on the NYX DE Page was already doing something to anticipate for weeks. Now you can order officially
. What has me and many other very interesting was the new pricing terms - would fail yet again human or astronomical?
is now clear, they move in a part of the "Okay". The precipitate ger prices in international comparison is not always in our favor, we all know but we were careful this time with really reasonable prices. Although it turns out still cheaper to shop abroad (I hope this source by us. Wiedermal de shop is not taken!) To come and even shipping costs.
The costs incurred as a small example of the
=> Jumbo Eyepencils now € 4.95 and not more 14 € (former Douglas Price) in the U.S., they are at about $ 4.
cost => Cremeblushes here € 8.95, in the U.S. is approximately $ 6.50
=> Normal False Lashes € 6.95 in the U.S. is approximately $ 5
(Although the U.S. may vary prices by store, the retail prices as of Ulta, I know not)
All in one (unlike before) quite legitimate framework -. thumbs up!
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